
Ashford’s population is expected to grow over the coming years and will offer one of the widest selections of housing in the UK.

  • House prices are 10% cheaper than the South East average and 29% lower than in London.
  • Housing demand is strong for everything from environmentally sympathetic starter homes to executive country properties.
  • Ashford is setting a standard for excellence in design and sustainability by working in partnership with developers and environmental bodies.
  • Ashford already provides a wide choice of property ownership options. a range of good quality homes affordable to people of all income levels will be developed including homes available to rent and to buy on a shared-ownership basis.
  • 10% of all new build housing will be affordable and made available for locally defined key workers.

As new developments evolve, Ashford will offer new facilities that value its heritage and ensure areas are open, safe and attractive. For more information on Housing Services go to Ashford Borough Council’s website.

For more information about UK house prices, visit Nationwide House Prices or search the Land Registry House Price Index

Looking to buy or rent a home in Ashford?
The following property agents may be able to help...

Your Move

Martin & Co Ashford

Hillreed Homes

Hobbs Parker


Or you can try the Destination Service Providers listed here >>>

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